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Mutsu, Jonathan, and Empire States of Mind

Updated: Jul 3

Have you been waiting all season to sink your teeth into a Jonathan, Empire, or Mutsu? Come get 'em this weekend, Friends.

We had a busy week this week. The Orchard team was busy collecting Mutsu, Jonathan, and more Empire from the trees, getting them ready for you to take home with you this weekend! We will also have Golden Delicious available for purchase. Just a reminder, all apples are $3 per pound, so you can mix and match.

Here's the beautiful Mutsu coming off of the belt:

Mutsu is also known as the Crispin apple and is a cross between a Golden Delicious and the Indo apple cultivars first grown in Japan. This is a super crisp and very juicy apple, with a sweet, refreshing flavor that is perfect for eating, juicing, baking, and salad toppers. The skin is yellow (or green) with a slight orange blush and the apples can grow quite large. The Orchard gals always pick an "apple of the day," and when they plucked these from the trees, they found an apple of the day that weighed an entire pound! By our standards, that means it's a $3 apple!

They make a pretty picture, too.

If you haven't had a chance to come in yet this week to get your hands on some Empire, shame on you! ;) Just kidding, but seriously. Empire's are a deep red apple with an extra wax coating, we often say "the one from Snow White," when describing it. It's an incredibly versatile apple, with a sweet, tart, and crispy profile, and a dark exterior and creamy white flesh. It is my new favorite - though, you should all know that this has happened to at least three of our varietals this year. Perhaps I'll leave it at "my new favorite of the week."

When you shine this beauty on your sleeve or pants, she looks deep purple and red. People often mistake her for a plum when looking too quickly. Empire's are a cross between a Red Delicious and a McIntosh (the variety we use for most of our apple pies, apple pastries, apple juice, and apple cider). They're great for baking, salads, apple sauce, and I hear we're going to see how they taste with caramel and other treats this weekend (how excited are the three of you who stuck with this entire post right now?!)! Here's a few entwined in Mutsu.

We will have both of these available for purchase this weekend, along with Golden Delicious and the long awaited Jonathan!

Jonathan, oh Johathan, where for art thou, Jonathan? Well, Jonathan will be found with the few of you who show up first, because this is all we have for the entire season!!! Nine flats, my friends, nine flats. For reference, each full flat is about twenty pounds. So, if you've been waiting patiently to cook with these babies for the past four years, get here as soon as humanly possible, because these are going to go fast!

Jonathan's are great for eating fresh, applesauce, and bakes. We hear they're also great for caramel apples, so naturally, we'll have to test it ourselves this weekend. If you're still reading this, please join us on Saturday to give us your vote! :)

As always, we're open from 8AM-4:30PM with pastries, coffee, pies, locally-sourced, homemade gifts, and APPLES! We look forward to seeing you. xo

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